Replicating science: $28 billion is wasted every year in the US alone
Info Sheet
Why? Because studies can’t be replicated.
If a study in science can’t be replicated, is it still viable?
Scientific studies are notoriously difficult to reproduce. A study by Plos Biology showed that about $28 billion every year is spent on research that can’t be replicated. And that’s in the United States alone. Extrapolate those figures across the world and we have a real problem.
In recent years, as computing power has increased, cloud software has been widely adopted and data sets have grown, it has become more and more evident that scientists are unable to generate the same results, even while using the same data sets. If studies cannot be replicated and the same conclusions reached, it undermines the credibility of scientists, and of science itself.
The repercussions of this could be serious. If the results can’t be trusted, then the very nature of science and the scientific process becomes questionable. At a time when new technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence are emerging, it encourages people to question the value of these powerful and potentially life-changing technologies and can instill a level of mistrust.
In this info sheet, we’ll look at why this issue is so wide-spread and how we can address it.
Download your copy of the info sheet here.
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