The F.A.I.R. Principles: A Quick Introduction
What it means to be F.A.I.R.
Research data is often not used past its intended purpose. In fact, in many cases, scientific data is not shared or even re-usable.
This could be due to data protection or because the data is difficult to find. Imagine the potential of that data if it was used beyond its original goal. Think of what that could mean for medical breakthroughs in disease, or innovative alternative energy options. The benefits to society would be momentous.
Those dealing with data every day, including researchers, funders, and publishers, are looking to make scientific data more accessible and boost its value. Providing other researchers and scientists access to your data makes new discoveries easier and encourages transparency in research.
To get there, participants of the Lorentz Workshop “Jointly Designing a Data FAIRport” in 2014 came up with ‘The F.A.I.R. Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’ to guide researchers towards optimizing data sharing and ensuring data could be re-used by both humans and machines.
But what exactly does it mean to be F.A.I.R.? Download our eBook below to find out!
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